Writing & Interaction

Here I gather all my thoughts related to creativity and interaction.
While I have lots of opinions about which styles are best and which are worst I think the most important thing to think about while creating is expression.
Expression being how your work relates back to your gender, intelligence or empathy.

Big Thoughts
* Lebens Design, Just Reality, real places, "生" real people, real problems, good values
* Education/Science
* H.C Andersen
* CPSC Groups

Copyright belongs to the original creator, or whoever they give it to, or everyone if they have been dead for a long time(~60yrs?)

Standard Languages
Everyone being forced to learn english is because of american computer programmers, now we are entering a new era of neurology, and I am the king!
Now german will be number one!
Ich muss der Pionier des neuen Zeitalters sein!
Natürlich wird es eine Übergangsperiode geben.
Basically I think in terms of using language for "bruks" or for "Authenticity and Emotional Depth"
I don't like the global mass use of english, it is the language of this sort of patos/jeremy ideology that has taken over.
German is the language of the logos.
I don't like dubs, I prefer subs.
Languages I like, in order:
1. German = bruks, science, everyday
2. Swedish = carries culture and values with it, I use it in art sometimes "Authenticity and Emotional Depth" as the AI-bot said
3. latin = I use it in art/science sometimes, science because universality and art because "Authenticity and Emotional Depth"

I feel I need a clean write on japan.
I think Japan is interesting, though I don't like global adaption of japanese culture though.
I think of german/latin as being the global and all else as being special use.
There are many concepts in japan I find interesting and draw inspiration form.

Simpsons and Family Guy
Don't say "which one is better?"
They fill different functions.
Family Guy fills that primal need for chaos.
Simpsons, old simpsons, is a tad bit more philosophical and explorative.

Titles should hint at functionality if it is a tool.
"Blender" what is that, a program related to cooking? who thought that would be a good name for a 3D modeling program.
I just call it "TON MODEL".
When it comes to names I think that INTs should be completely in capitals and EMP/CPSCs should just have the first letter in capital.
Of course switching to full capitals if they go from CPSC to asperger.
Gunnar Svensson.
Malin Guldbäck.
high-order titles can have weird names with lots of history, I like that.
Don't have weird titles in low-order items, "Blender" who guesses that is a 3D modeling suite?
I like using german for low-order things like creative programs, tools, food.
I like more soulful names for high-order titles, "gamerchan" "youtube" "Valve".
CPSC-centric families shall only use capitals on the first letter of their family name.
Bidirectional families shall write their name in full capitals.
Note this is when the family name is written alone, if first and last name are written then both are capitalized according to the gender notation of the person.

* !!!Anführer und Gefolgsleute!!!(Lieblingsstruktur)
* Demokrati(unbefriedigend)

Work Division
Do not do all the work yourself, hire people.
It is just stupid to try and do everything yourself.

Simpsons Favorites
* "Bart sells his soul" It's about disbelief in the social contract and regaining it "It's just a piece of paper" but is it?
Early simpsons has some gold.

Writing Inspo
* H.C Andersen
* Astrid Lindgren
* Old Simpsons(I like to say keep it simpsons, because family guy is not good, it is just poop pee humour)
* George Lucas
* Steven Spielberg

* Youtube
* Twitter
* Facebook
* Your website eventually
* Posters(at ECPC-centers or just about, suprisingly effective, you really need to put shit infront of people's faces these days)
* ECPC-centers(University, healthcare, town squares, churches, schools, libraries, gamer-clubs) Fresh-minded people
* TV-station

Like I am not a furry in the sense that I fantasize about having sex with animals, but I am a furry in the sense that I prefer animorphs/animals in place of humans i cartoons/paintings.
People tend to say things like "independant like the cat, free as a bird, strong as a gorilla" so why not have animals instead of humans? much more expression.
I would wear a furry T-shirt and dog-ears, but I would not wear a fur-suit, those people seems insane.
I am all about that expression.

Schools of Media
Old Media School: Long production cycles, Long Videos, Studio, Crew, Research, Calm, Depth, Discussion, Respect for Human Life.
New Media School: Short production cycles, Short Videos, No Studio, Small Crew, Lacking Research, Force of Opinion, Surface, Without Respect for human life.

* Andreas
* Kalle Frögård
* Per Helders
* Petronella Brehm
* Elisabeth 1, 2 o 3
* Mattias Lysell
* Dan Hedmark
* Mr Smith
* Malte
* Rasmus
* Sven
* Viktor
* Jan
* Otto * Timmy
* Gabbe
* Pelle
* Hugo
* Hilding
* Sam
* Bobo

* MUK-lär
* Svensk musikvärld
* Svenska kyrkan
* LUG-lär
* FONTÄN-folk
* Edvin