
Sexy Code Rawr(I am not good at coding but I would like to be able to make sexy code)
Here I gather all my thoughts related to software production.

Computer Table
I really really like to have the computer monitor really high up so everyone can gather around and look at it.
I like to have the keyboard and mouse really far below the computer monitor.
The computer work acquires a sense of greatness when it is visible to everyone in the room.
It feels insignificant when you are sitting with it low and the screen is hidden by your body, like you want to hide it.
I want to show it.

1. Papers and sketches
1.5. Decide stack
2. Data/objects
3. Functions

Software Genres
* Eduware(Kalle Kunskap, Seterra)
* Adventure game(Lego Star Wars)
* Tools(Sozialsystemkarte)
* Sandbox(Minecraft, Gmod, Kerbal Space Program)
* Puzzle games(for people who like to get tested, thrill)
* Arcade/Part Games(Nintendo Games, Fighter games)
* Point and Click(Noas Ark, Pippi,)

I prefer software titles that hint at the functionality:
* VS Code
* Musescore
* FL Studio
* Gamemaker
* Photoshop
* Aseprite
* Internet Explorer
I dislike non-descriptive:
* Skype
* Godot(I call this Linietsky's Sandbox)
* Unity
* Steam(I call this Gabe's Library)
* Logic(The name makes you think it is something like mathlab or VS code but it is music?)
* Edge(Go back to Internet Explorer name)

* Laptop, Surface/Framework
* 80s inspired docking station
* Mechanical Switches Keyboard

Sexy GUI rawr.
hover effects, press effects, sound effects.
W95 is some of the sexiest GUI ever.

What is the Program
I think very modularly about code, I do not think of the modular components such as SFM, Unity, Godot, OpenGL as being my program, they are programs I use.
It is better to think like that.
When you talk about porting a game you talk about replacing the modules with ones that work on that platform.
Modular mindset.
UNIX mindset.
"your program is 5 gigabyte!"
No, my program is an invisible 10 megabytes, the modules are 5 gigabyte.
You should use modules as much as you can, don't reinvent the wheel.
Do one thing and do it well.

Coding Tools
* Bright high contrast screen(dim screens are really annoying on the eyes)
* Claude
* Copilot
* C
* C++
* C#
* VS Code
* Unity
* JSON(Favorite data markup language) to xml/HTML(not favorite data markup language)

Web Dev
* SPA(Single page application, I love those)

2010s uncatty software design
I feel that many software developers have taken a wrong turn in their development style.
They try to own the customer rather than just making a good product, software feels increasingly perverse.
I prefer earlier valve titles where modding is king.
CS:GO and onward microtransactions started popping up everywhere.
Do not make products that give you short term financial wins, make products that are pure quality and spare your sanity in the process.
The more you think about money the less you get in the long run.
Think about quality products.
Do not think about money, do not think about fame, that will slowly drive you insane.
Think about good products.

60s GUI
I know GUIs were quite rare back then, but I like minimalist GUIs.
Like true minimalism.
No rounded corners.

Console vs PC
I think PC feels more social.
Consoles are nice, but PC is my favorite.
Modding, forums, simplicity, the web.
PC Gaming FTW!

Code Inspo
* Kerbal Space Program
* Kalle Kunskap
* Noas Ark DOS
* Pippi DOS
* Mulle Meck bygger Plan
* Mulle Meck
* Seterra
* 90s Swedish PC edu-vidya

People Inspo
Community and Creativity.
* Valve(Awesome games, awesome mods, awesome community)
* Nintendo(Awesome games, awesome mods, awesome community)
* Toby Fox(Awesome game, awesome mods, awesome community)
* Eric Barone(Awesome games, awesome mods, awesome community)
* Kan Gao(To the Moon)
* John Romero(Doom)
Coder Inspo:
* John Carmack
* John Mcafee
* Bill Gates(Window, get sh't done, "king of barbarians" lol)
* Linus Torvalds(Linux, FR33DOM)
* Gabe Newell
* Yanderedev
* Tarn Adams
* Bisqwit
* M00T(imageboards yay!)
* Fredrick Brennan(2chan)
* Ylililia(cool vidya)

* Jakko Järvinen( AF)
* Alvin Andersson(Garrys Mod Bro)
* Lebert130(Garrys Mod)
* Boogie2988(Long Time OG Youtuber, real as hell, chill, cool, role-model, good taste, not cheap)
* Sebastian Lague(Bauhaus as hell, unity)
* Sam Altman(This guy is a vibe)
* 8-bit guy, 8-bit dad really( liksom wtf,)
* Daves Garage(Cool, liksom wtf, computers)
* Terry Davis( liksom)
* Ton Rosendaal
* Gabe Newell
* Markus Persson
* Yanderedev
* Randydev