Here I gather all my thoughts related to software production.
Computer Table
I really really like to have the computer monitor really high up so everyone can gather around and look at it.
I like to have the keyboard and mouse really far below the computer monitor.
The computer work acquires a sense of greatness when it is visible to everyone in the room.
It feels insignificant when you are sitting with it low and the screen is hidden by your body, like you want to hide it.
I want to show it.
Software Genres
* Eduware(Kalle Kunskap, Seterra)
* Adventure game(Lego Star Wars)
* Tools(Sozialsystemkarte)
* Sandbox(Minecraft, Gmod, Kerbal Space Program)
* Puzzle games(for people who like to get tested, thrill)
* Arcade/Part Games(Nintendo Games, Fighter games)
* Point and Click(Noas Ark, Pippi,)
Coding Tools
* Claude
* Copilot
* C#
* VS Code
* Unity
Web Dev
* SPA(Single page application, I love those)