Exercise & Diet

Here I gather all my thoughts related to my exercise and diet

Gait Styles
* Inline walk(Best for knees and efficency, least stable, best on clear ground)
* Broad/stable walk(worst for knees and efficency, most stable, best on uneven ground)

Bottle Rhymes
* Musik giver närvaro(inte klar)
* Innan du tar kaka bör du maten smaka!
* Rör du inte kroppen rör sig inte knoppen!
* Rör du inte kroppen rör sig inte snoppen!
* Du bör fasta om du inte till kistan vill hasta!

Bruks-Agility/Parkour Levels
I'm adjusting these over time.
Level 1:
* Sprint 500m
* Infi-jog 10km
* Wall climb 2m
* Handstand against wall
* Kullerbytta båda hållen
* Drop2roll(Drops are not good for the knees but you should know how to drop)
* Hoppa 30cm
Level 2:
* Wall climb 3m
* Handstand cartwheel
* Cartwheel
* Hand stand no wall(not straight, but no elbow support)
* Muscle up

Break a damn sweat, anything that does that is good.
If you have not broken a sweat today you have not exercised enough.
Listen to some 909s and beats AND BREAK A SWEAT!!
707s and sweat
707s and sweat
707s and sweat
707s and sweat

Listen to 90s Beats while doing the below:
* Jogging
* Sprinting(springer gör man på tår, annars bärs man ut på bår)
* Jumping(with a jumping rope if you have one of those)
* Lift weights
* Calisthenics
* Gymnastics
* Utflykt
I keep the gymnastics soft, I just want to maintain my body control.

Buy Good products
Don't rent stuff(Software, hardware)
Don't buy autistic weird stuff.
Just good craftsmanship you know.
good products, no autism, no b*llshit.

Flexibility and Recovery
* Stretch to keep muscles dynamic, do not let them turn to stone.
* Do not fear moving while have muscle ache, in fact exercising will speed up recovery and lessen muscle ache, blood circulation and hormones, sort of.

STD tests
It's a good habit to ask people you have sex with for STD test results.
Only have safe sex.
STDs aren't good for your health.

Don't do any daredevilism if you are more of a thinker guy, waste of intellect.
Just do practical agility, healthy, maintanence.
My favorite sport definititely.

Easily stumbled upon poison
Being exposed to these is very common, I've been exposed to all these a bit and I am fine, don't panic(by coldplay) and just avoid them in the future.
* Contaminated drinking water
* Radon in basements(Don't live, work or spend many days in the basement, and keep it aired)
* Asbestos in old buildings
* Heavy metals in food
My unwise uneducated dad made meatballs with a non-stick pan and I ate one before realising what he had done and tried to throw up by doing that finger down the throat trick but I could not evoke any gag reflex and now my IQ is minus 2 probably.
I am so damn tired of all the damn poison everywhere, being born into this era feels like being bort at the bottom of a very deep dungeon.
So far from fresh air, my body will be half destroyed when I get to the surface but my spirit will feel great satisafaction for my children will not climb this damn dungeon.
Getting out of the dungeon that is this is era in unavoidable work and I might as well be the one to do it.
* Heavy metals in chocolate
* Micro plastics in food
* Palm oil
* Burned frying pan oil
* Food contaminated by animals(cats, dogs) do not leave food out and then eat it.
* Central City Air
* Radioactive material in older crafts/tools(quite uncommon but still mentionable if you have lots of really old stuff)
* Flouride in toothpaste, bad enough to have in your mouth already so make sure you do not swallow any.

Cleaning teeth
If used regularly and improperly flouride can have neurotoxic effects.
I've read on the web that people who grew up drinking flouridated water show somewhat worse results on cognitive tests.
I should probably read deeper into that but basically any toxic liquid you put into your mouth to clean your teeth must be applied and removed carefully and not end up anywhere but the teeth.
I mean don't sh*t your pants if you have used toothpaste improperly but stop that sh*t.
improperly being anything short of a tooth wash isolator.
It's sort of like eating a bunch of fish every day and walking in the city every day then learning that all of that leads to ingestion of heavy metals which is neurotoxic as well.
On top of that you drink lots of alcohol which is a potent neurotoxin.
Don't sh*t your pants just move away from the city, stop drinking alcohol and stop eating fish.

* meat
* veggies
* fibre rich carbs
* Occasional Fika(keep it behagligt, ät inte sefk mängder då mår man ju bara dåligt)
* Water
* Supplement in the case of deficency such as D-vitamin.
* Monday and forward, up to three days.

Organ Donation
If they f*ck up they will harvest your organs alive, do not register for organ donation.
I, Vincent Edvard Valdemar During, am not personally registered as an organ donator and I am making that clear here in case anyone tries to convince you of something else.
I sometimes check to make sure they haven't added me back.
Always keep a watch on evil communist.
Randomly adding everyone to the organ donation register is something a communist would do.

Cryogenic Freezing
I'm getting my head cryogenically freezed sounds so interesting.

Functionalism Diet
I am subscribed to the religion of functionalism yet I cannot stop myself from eating sweets, why?
Why am I able to overwrite so much of my programming but not my diet?
Why can I control my love of art, music, people, philosophy, but not my diet in the same way?
I want to truly love healthy eating, but I can not.
I bet this is what race-scientist Lundborg felt when he married a sami woman.