Instrument play

Inspo Players
* Casals(bra kärna)
* Jacqueline du Pre(bra kärna)
* Per Nyström(bra kärna)
* Glenn Gould(Väldigt bra tolkningar)
* YIRUMA(Agogikmaxx)
* Yehudi Menuhin

clean Instrument
Remove all the smega from the instrument before your start.
Smega makes you slide off the black keys on the piano.
Smega makes the cello sound dull.
Same effect on the recorder/flute.
Put harts on your bow.

Strong Core
Having a strong core means you play every note confidently and controlled.
It must not sound like you are stumbling.
It must not feel like drinking water too fast.
It must not feel like you are stumbling up the stairs.
If the above is the case you play slowly, controlled and with form.
I like to practice strong tenuto tones.

Sheet Music
* I get most of my sheet music from musescore.
* I put it on my pad for recordings
* Own compositions are sometimes just on sketch sheet paper

Tempo & Volume Dynamics
When I play I think a lot about the volume and tempo regardless of instrument.
I think about tempo dynamics more when I play keyboards because it helps make those instruments feel more alive despite being controlled by keys.
I have make sure to write down slow downs and speed ups into my sheet music.
I also write down rises and falls in the volume.
I have different types of rises and falls in volume and tempo.
Do not let the music control you like a too strong dog on a leash.
Choose a tempo where you are consuming the music like you would consume food.
Practice with a metronome dummy.
Get a drum machine bro.

staccato = short note, keep bow on string between notes to make it easy to play them fast, I practice these alot because SPEED and TIGHTNESS
Wosh = Exponential increase.
Pluck = Exponential decrease.
Linear = linear increase/decrease.
Dynamic and finess = agogik, vibes, volym, mer varierat med start o slut
!!!!Matematiskt!!!! = fast tempo, klar start-o-slut, tänk inte metaforiskt

I use a metronome more when I play cello.

Cello Anchor Grip!
I try to play a lot in the thumb position to save on my hand, it is more draining to play in normal position.
I try to have a grip as close as possible to that of a guitarist when I play cello because it helps me spread the fingers correctly so I get good intonation.
That is especially true when you play in a low position.
I try to squeeze the string a bit to get a bright tone, if you don't squeeze you get a dull tone.
You might as well not play the cello if you can't get a bright tone using your fingers.
When you get the squeeze it is really really nice.
ASMR stuff.
Make sure you have enough rosin everytime you play.
Get a Viola Da Gamba then.
Keep the grip the same everytime otherwise intonation becomes garbage.
I think even more about the pointing finger.
Strong Effective Guitar Grip = "The Squeeze"
I see the pointing finger as being the sort of main finger to think of when it comes to getting good intonation low on the fingerboard.
High up the thumb is the most important finger to think of to get good intonation.
If those fingers are good all fingers are good.
I try to use the thumb position quite early up on the board.
The pointing finger & thumb are the anchors and most important to keep in tune/position to not end up off-grid.
Fingers should go along the fingerboard not across it.

Grips in my mind:
* Back Leaning Guitar Grip
* Forward Leaning Guitar Grip, still anchored though
* The above but with backwards stretch
* Thumb position(not a grip wtf!? what is this doing here? well F yoU!)
* Heavy grip of bow for good attack

Mini bow 4 guitar
You can make a small bow that fits between the strings and goes inside the hole of a guitar.

Cello Height!
I try to have the cello just a bit above myself so it leans.
I have the greatest view of the fingerboard then.
It is important this is the same everytime I play otherwise I get thrown off.
It should lie on you like a person you are handling, sort of.

Cello Intonation/Warmup
I have a white pen I use when I can't find the tones high up on the fingerboard.
It doesn't damage the fingerboard if you use a soft but not too soft pen, like fabercastell white watercolor pen.
I do lots of slerp exercises.
Again, use a guitar grip to get best finger spread.
Take into consideration the slight curvature of the fingerboard to make sure you get good intonation.

I also do scales, mostly major scales with homogenous fingering in many octaves.
I also do arpeggios.
I also tune each string relative to a piano, not to each other.
I also think of everything else written above.
Cello Vibrato
I use a narrow vibrato.
I dislike wide vibratos, they sound like arabic ornaments, and I just want a bit mor alive tone, not Aladdin.

Guitar strumming
The different strums I use.
* Soft, close to bridge, percussive nice.
* Strong, over sound hole, string slapping.

Arabic Playing
It is good to learn arabic techniques as well.
Wide vibratos.
Quarter tones.
Quarter tone drills.