
Here I gather all my thoughts related to trading.
I write here about more than just selling and buying, I write about economy in general.
I am so used to using the word trading though because of Team Fortress 2.

You should always have a stash of goods & money.
It keeps you safe from unstable times.
The difference between having nothing and having some things is huge.
Having no assets is really really hard.

Don't Work for Free
Take money for your work, all of it.

Software Business Model
pay4version, upgrade4discount, bugfixes4free, src-included.
My favorite model.

Owned vs Own
It is nicer to own things than to be owned.
I avoid playing other's games, I avoid working for others.
I only work for others if I respect them as superior leaders, I think everyone thinks like that though.

You should always have an income through trading goods and services.
I like media!
I also like doing traditional physical goods trading.

You should have insurance on some of your stuff.

Treasure Hunting
I love treasure hunting, especially at second hand stores.
Their value estimations are extremely rough, like =
Instrument = 1000kr
Casual Clothes = 200kr
Fancier clothes = 600kr
"Ugly" Paintings = 100kr
"Prettier" paintings = 300kr
With just a little bit of research you will make estimates far superior, you can even use chatGPT.

Second Hand or New?
* you buy new, more expensive, more guarantees.(good option)
* you buy second hand, cheaper, less guarantees.(not so good, lottery)
* You buy second hand, cheaper, close-to-store guarantees.(best option)

To think will buying second hand
* The price should be 50% of original price or less when it comes to tech.
* Get good evidence, really good evidence that the equipment works. Video demonstration of equipment usage.
* Tech is stuff you want fresh, selling used tech you have the following pricing scheme:
* Tech without demo-video = 40% of store price, if even that.
* 60%-70% of store price if you have a good demo-video.

Do not take leave-at-door without check-off and sign.

Door Salesmen
Just no, they are rushy, brainblanking, annoying and confusing.
I just say no, I have no business to do with you.