I dislike cars
I really don't like being in cars that drive on high speed roads.
I like trains, E-bikes and separated sidewalks/bike roads.
I feel like a peasant when I am in a car on a high speed road.
It's not safe, it's not useful enough to warrant me getting a driving license.
Low Energy
I really h*te those energy dips where you get so slow things stay in your head because you forget to write them down, I want to have enough energy to atleast write my ideas down,
then I feel okay.
I need to keep reminding myself,
write down everything!
write down everything!
write down everything!
write down everything!
write down everything!
Vandringsmaxx, Kingtrip
The most important part of my schedule is the vandringsmaxx, kingtrip.
I jog/bike every single day.
I bring some food with me.
I maybe take the train to another city, like Stockholm, and bring my bike along with me.
I maybe say hi to my bros.
I have the WAN show/general news on the radio.
I visit all the pop spots, high points, town squares, universities, libraries.
I read the posters.
I chase that sense of being up to date with all the relevant things.
Cardiovascular exercise is no.1 for brain, and well stroke runs in my family.
I've read that the chance of relapse in the case of stroke is significantly reduced if the patient takes regular walks after the stroke.
Sittande fågel får inget as they say.
Run/bike like a fool everyday!
Remember exercise is no.1 so if you need a snack to motivate yourself to go out do that.
I go for snacks that are on the more nutrious side.
Don't stop moving!
During Journal
In here I write random small things I think of during my day, chronological order, for me to reflect on my progress.
Current status:
* Uninspired
* Unentertained
* Unimpressed
* Uninspired
* Unentertained
* Unimpressed
* Uninspired
* Unentertained
* Unimpressed
* Uninspired
* Unentertained
* Unimpressed
* Uninspired
* Unentertained
* Unimpressed