So what is this?
This is my, Dr. Durings, perception of the world.
On this map I sort and order things as I find practical.
This map really helps me orient myself in society.
Without it I feel like I am just in a vast confusing ocean.
Age of empires overview type stuff.
I would have created this in the 90s if I found the web then, crazy that there are not more things like this around.
The social efficency from this sort of system is crazy.
I suppose it is a bit like the micheline guide.
Big Dr During is watching you!
I've gotten fat!
Help I'm a Fish!
* Arbetsförmedling
* Archives
* Libraries
* CPSC-families(keep em on their toes, don't let them establish communism/fasc-corp, I really h*te when fasc-corp larps as capitalist)
* BIDI-families(where there is life and love)
* Significant individuals per town/city/village(you would be suprised how much insignificant autism there is per town, there are a few creatives and useful clones)
* Breeding-projections
* !ECPC groups!
* !Economy Autism Evaluation!
* Institution networks
* Company networks
* Trivia
* Network Cards
* comment-system
* Big Sweden
* Samiland